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Tea Ercoles

I was born in Italy in 1966. Ironically we arrived in Australia on April fools day when I was 5 years old. From that point on my life was never the same again.

I felt an alienation and loneliness that no child should be aloud to feel. For a very long time I just couldn’t understand why my peers disliked me so much. I spent most of my lunches watching others play and at night I would cry myself to sleep wishing I would not wake in the morning, to face another day of the same torment.

The teachers back then were worse than the students. They weren’t interested in you and would just pass you on to the next year. The first teacher I had used to slap me in front of the whole class for every spelling mistake I made. Lovely she was. May she rot in hell!

Eventually my creative nature lead to more self-absorption. Paint, pencils, paper and canvas became my friends while line, color, tone, form and texture became my language. My art didn’t need me to learn words, because it spoke for itself.

Now that I am older, I can truly say that I really still don’t have any profound friends, apart from my family. I still find myself alone. Espcailly now that my beautiful husband has pass away. Only now I take comfort in it. Out of that solitude and loneliness my best ideas and works are born.

When I think about the past, I truly believe that no God would put anyone through all the hardships my life has traveled without a reason.

“All I know is that my art has always prevailed” to save me. And because of this, he must have a reason why he wishes me to paint?


